The easiest way to make connections as a career changer entering UX/UI

Image of connecting wires/ropes

Making connections is one of the most important and valuable tasks you can do as a job seeker. Yet, it’s the task that most people are least likely to pursue. Having worked with career changers going into UX/UI, I’ve found that job seekers are likely to spend more time on their resume, LinkedIn profile, and […]

7 templates for making connections on LinkedIn

Professional women having a fun video chat with someone

As a job seeker, building your network is crucial. It’s not just about having more connections, but about truly engaging and connecting. It’s about having conversations with others. For career changers, this is invaluable. Who to connect with Here is a short list of who you want to connect with and why: One of the […]

How to search on LinkedIn for like-minded people

night time view from space showing lights on around the globe

Job searching is more than browsing job boards and sending out resumes. Making valuable connections on LinkedIn is key in today’s job market, especially as a career changer. One of the most meaningful uses of LinkedIn if you are looking for a new position is to connect with other individuals. You can learn from them, […]