Having worked with career changers for the past three years, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful a positive mindset can be in your job search.
A positive mindset helps you navigate the challenges of a job search with confidence and resilience. It keeps you focused and motivated.
Most importantly, it allows the job search to become a journey of growth and self-improvement.
Read on to discover 6 key points for maintaining the right mindset in your job search.
Be realistic in your expectations
Expect rejections. And then more rejections. This isn’t being pessimistic, it’s being realistic.
Use the rejections as a growing opportunity to become resilient. Learn from them when you receive feedback. Make adjustments that are needed.
Don’t give up
Finding a job can take months, sometimes longer. Be ready to do whatever it takes to make it work.
A tough job market calls for tough actions.
Keep you skills up-to-date, now matter what.
Consider freelance projects. One of my clients kept doing freelance projects during his job search, building his skills and gaining experience.
Look for volunteer opportunities. One client of mine continues to volunteer, building her community and strengthening her resume. Volunteering isn’t always an option. Consider the next idea.
Think about part-time work to help pay the bills. If you work part-time, make sure to keep building your skillset. Look for ways to gain experience in your new field — whether it’s volunteering or freelance work or …
You might go back temporarily to your previous career with the intention of continuing to practice and build your skills by doing side projects. One client with project management experience expanded her job search to include Product Management. She intends to use this as a way to get in the door of a company who could offer her the opportunity to join their UX team in the future.
Or, maybe you start your own business and complete projects for multiple clients.
Whatever you do, don’t give up.
Set effort-based goals
To make your job search less stressful, focus on effort-based goals rather than on results you can’t control.
Instead of “I will get a job in 5 months,” try setting goals like these:
- I will send out 10 job applications each month.
- I will make 3 new connections each week.
- I will get feedback on my resume from ADPList next week.
- I will participate in the Design Buddies community once a week.
- I will start a new real-world project every 2 months.
- I will take an advanced course in Figma next month.
See how it works? These are just examples.
Create effort-based goals that fit to your schedule.
And, just as important, don’t forget to celebrate accomplishing your goals!
Set up a routine/schedule
Treat your job search like a job.
Just like any job, there are specific tasks and responsibilities. This applies to your job search too.
Create a routine and schedule to ensure you complete all the necessary activities required for a successful job search.
If you’re like me, you might resist this. I don’t like being put in a box either. But without a schedule, I only do the tasks I don’t mind doing. It’s easy to send out resumes. It’s harder to build your network.
That’s why a schedule is essential. Without it, my community would be non-existent.
As mentioned in this [link to article], not having connections can eventually lead to discouragement.
Structure your days and weeks with a schedule.
Always grow your skills
You are not just job-searching. You are also building a career.
Don’t let the job search stop your momentum. You’ve spent the last several months or even years learning new skills for your career pivot. Don’t let the job search stop the momentum of learning/growing your skillset.
Continue practicing and expanding your skillset. Grow both your hard skills and your interpersonal skills
- Take a class. Better yet, lead a class.
- Join a cohort. Better yet, start a cohort.
- Complete another project. Better yet, lead a team project.
- Volunteer.
And always share your experience on LinkedIn.
By doing these activities,
- You’re expanding your skillset
- You’re building your network
- You’re being noticed
Take care of you
Pursue your hobbies and other activities that allow you to decompress and get your mind off of the job search. Read, do yoga, exercise, walk — do the activities that fill your soul.
It may be watching a movie, or listening to music. Maybe it’s meditating and deep breathing exercises.
Take time to take care of you.
Take control of your job search and turn it into a journey of growth and self-improvement.